First of all, something has to be said about the awesome response we've had from everyone about our new branding...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! It really has been sweet reading everyone's comments and uplifting words of praise, we are so thankful to have people surrounding us to cheer us on everyday!

So, there's this amazing women's fashion magazine targeting women with higher standards called ELIZA. We have been privileged to shoot a few spreads for them, including a super fun bridal shoot for their first issue. (You can see those pics by clicking HERE)

This is our good friend Summer Bellessa.

She is the editor for Eliza and we were just informed that they have done a featured article on Amelia on their homepage.

The most recent session that we shot for Eliza Magazine was for a pregnancy spread, here is one of our favorite images from the grouping:


Keep an eye out for our photos in the pregnancy spread in Eliza-Summer issue. Also, be sure to check out Eliza online and subscribe, it really is a pretty cool magazine and the issues come quarterly.

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Michelle Ellis said:
I've never heard of it. I'm definitely checking that out. Can you really have to many
(03.24.08 07:53 PM)
stacy benintendi said:
you guys, this is so great! your new blog and site are AMAZING! i love the color. congratulations! :)
(03.25.08 11:36 AM)