Many of our readers may know that back in August of 2008 we were nominated and awarded Bludomain's photographers of the year 2008-2009. Ever since then it has been fun to be a part of some of their shin-digs and especially awesome being featured among many other very talented photographers in our industry (some we like to call our friends). We feel super honored to have received the award and we're even more stoked that they used a ton of our photos to dress up their new site and blog! Below is the interview they posted yesterday:

New year, new photographers, new talent to be inspired by! BLU's Photographer's of the Year 2008-2009! Step aside!!!

P.S. Our newly designed website at is adorned with all the lovely photographs by the Lyons!

Who they are ... Amelia and Justin Lyon
Where you can find them

Where I shop ...
Amelia - mostly H&M, Forever 21 and Zara (in a perfect world Anthropologie!)
Justin - when not getting freebies, likes to shop at The Lab, South Coast Plaza or online (topman is all I gotta say!)

Fun is ...
Not caring about anything and letting ourselves go! Case in point - Bludomain party in Vegas!!!

3. Who I would want to photograph me for a six page spread...
The Image is Found
Jeff Newsom
Sean Flanigan

A song on my iPod ...
Justin - Nothing To Worry About by Peter Bjorn and John
Amelia - Skinny Love by Bon Iver

Something I have too much of ...
Amelia - BRC's from El Pollo Loco
Justin - Clothes, definitely clothes. It's an addiction, get over it!

What I haven't done that I plan to do this year ... Go to Hawaii!!!! Amelia has never been.

The brand of jeans I wear ...
Amelia - Right now, actually, my yellow ten dollar skinnies from Urban Outfitters (you know you all saw them at the BluDomain Party)
Justin - a custom pair of Patrick Winget's

8. What I must have for Spring ... Some time away with our boys!!

5 staples that you'll always find in the refrigerator ... Almond Milk, Dark Chocolate, Pita Bread, Hummus, and Trader Joes Salsa Fresca

When I splurge on myself ...
Amelia - I go to the Spa.
Justin - I go shoe shopping!!

One thing I plan to do this year in my photography career ... Hold our own WORKSHOPS, and shoot more celebs and bands!!!

Who will be the NEW + upcoming photographers of 2009 ...
Denise Bovee
Ellsworth Photography

The first thing I do in the morning ...
Amelia - Change a poopy diaper and dance with my baby (Sloan. Justin wishes it was him that I danced with in the AM)
Justin - Check my email and Twitters on my iPhone before showering.

What you do not know about me ...
Justin - I worshipped Vanilla Ice in junior high, even to the point of shaving steps in my eye brows!
Amelia - I can sing every word to the Girl You Know It's True album by Milli Vanilli!

These last photos were taken at the ROCKIN' party that Bludomain threw in Las Vegas during the WPPI convention a few weeks ago, Justin and I had an awesome time!!!!

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Cameron Ingalls said:
(03.06.09 03:36 PM)
Rog said:
Hey you two. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever want to come over and read me a bedtime my guest. Just bring some haitian food and long necked bottle root beer and we'll party, then you can read me a bedtime story...just as we discussed previously. I like you. Both. Around the same amount. of like. between the both of you. ok now. stay sexy.
(03.06.09 03:43 PM)
jac said:
you guys are too cool for school. it's funny cuz i knew what amelia was gonna say before i read her answer ;) and...we still have an epic video of you guys from the party :) thighs like what what what...
(03.06.09 03:48 PM)
Ashley said:
Dark chocolate! LOL. I can vouch for that.
(03.06.09 04:08 PM)
Whitney said:
What you both have too much of? So darn true. Amelia, I know you like to get your black bean BRC on all the time. And Hud, I have seen your closetS. More clothes than both me and Ethan put together. You guys truly do rock. Even kick ass. I can't wait until I can get some fam photos alla Amelia and Hud.
(03.06.09 04:26 PM)
Michelle Moore said:
I heart you two more than anything!!! :D
(03.06.09 04:31 PM)
Toni said:
Congrats you two!
(03.06.09 05:11 PM)
Abra said:
You two are just the cutest couple. Justin, you may be well on your way to helping my husband convince me to let him grow a mustache like he's been bugging me about. :)
(03.06.09 08:31 PM)
Kayleen T. said:
Congratz you guys on being photog of the year!! And ooh! Workshops! Yay!
(03.06.09 08:37 PM)
heather said:
PLEASE FINALLY HAVE YOUR OWN WORKSHOP! I will try really hard to attend. Thank you.
(03.06.09 10:56 PM)
Becka Knight (Studio222 Photography) said:
Yay! I loved the interview (and that shot of you both up top)! Congrats Lyons!!!! :)
(03.07.09 06:22 AM)
Dustin & Jessie said:
CONGRATULATIONS!! WE know you ROCK! We think you are ADORABLE. Really, Justin? Shaved steps in your eyebrows, why don't I remember that or am I just blocking it out? You are a FUN couple, keep on keeping each other laughing!
(03.07.09 11:17 AM)
Courtney Craver said:
Congrats! How fun!
(03.07.09 05:40 PM)
Augusta said:
You guys rock! :}
(03.07.09 07:28 PM)
Hanssie Trainor said:
Sign me up for that workshop! Congrats you guys. Couldn't of happened to nicer more talented people. (Love the yellow jeans!)
(03.08.09 10:03 PM)
jesi haack said:
congratulations! So COOL! AND....i love bon iver!
(03.09.09 01:34 PM)
Brittany Sattel said:
I'm WAY in for a Lyon-Style Workshop!! :) And I heart dark chocolate too. :)
(03.09.09 02:50 PM)
Sundee said:
You guys make me sick how cute you are!
(03.09.09 09:22 PM)
Ryel j said:
Woot Woot!! You guys rock :). And the bow tie... Amazing!
(03.09.09 10:10 PM)
cornel said:
I love your pictures...such a great emotion...and fun...and real life
(03.10.09 04:57 AM)
kate said:
haha congrats! I had fun reading :] and you are definitely my twin...forever 21 and H&M to the grave. and yes, in a perfect world, anthropologie.
(03.14.09 04:07 PM)